Why Dina Boluarte Could Make it to 2026
The disorganization of Peru’s political class could keep the president in office until 2026.

Pedro Castillo Isn’t Out of Danger
Peru’s president survived Congress’s attempt to impeach him, but only for now.

Peru’s Problem Is Bigger Than Not Having a President
The absence of stable political parties is destabilizing democracies throughout Latin America.

What Just Happened in Peru? Understanding Vizcarra’s Sudden Impeachment
Expect more populism ahead in one of the world’s hardest-hit countries by COVID-19.

Vizcarra May Survive. But Peru’s Politics Look Fragile.
COVID-19 and economic crisis haven’t stopped a dubious push for impeachment.

The Key to Bolsonaro’s Survival
Can Brazil’s president now hold on to his most loyal supporters?

Not Impossible: Could Rousseff Return as Brazil’s President?
When Dilma Rousseff was suspended as Brazil’s president last month, Vice President Michel Temer quickly fired the existing cabinet and installed his own team. Though her presidential portraits were put back on the walls after being briefly removed, the message was still clear: Dilma won’t be coming back. But could she? Rousseff’s path back to the … Read more

After Brazil, Will Venezuela Be Next to Remove Its President?
Throughout Latin America, there is talk about presidential interruptions, again. In the last seven years, four presidents have left office prematurely – Manuel Zelaya in Honduras, Fernando Lugo in Paraguay, Otto Pérez Molina in Guatemala, and now Dilma Rousseff in Brazil. Many analysts think that Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro is next. However, there is good … Read more

A Final Defense of Dilma Rousseff
Back in March 2014, when the Petrobras scandal was just getting started, some of President Dilma Rousseff’s top aides saw a golden opportunity to kill the investigation – or at least badly wound it. Márcio Anselmo, the Federal Police deputy in charge of the probe, had given an interview (which can be seen here) to … Read more

Podcast: Brazil’s House of Cards Is Falling for Cunha and Rousseff
Also available for download for Apple iOS and Android. Brazil’s house of cards is falling. Eduardo Cunha, the speaker of the lower house of Congress – and third in line to the president – was suspended today for obstructing a corruption investigation, days before Dilma Rousseff herself is expected to be suspended. Reuters’ senior correspondent in Brasília Anthony … Read more

How Brazil’s Crisis Is Bleeding into the Rest of South America
Until a few years ago, Brazil possessed one of the most active foreign policies in the developing world. It built an impressive network of embassies and consulates, opening more than 60 posts during the 2000s alone in Africa, Asia and beyond. Brazil also actively engaged in debates ranging from humanitarian intervention in Libya to rethinking … Read more

Podcast: Cardoso Says Impeachment ‘Not a Happy Day … But It Was Necessary’
Also available for download through the App Store and on all Apple devices. Fernando Henrique Cardoso, president of Brazil from 1995 to 2002 and still an important leader of the opposition, defends the decision by Congress to impeach President Dilma Rousseff. Speaking with AQ editor-in-chief Brian Winter late Sunday as the final votes were being cast, Cardoso … Read more

Podcast: Rousseff Won’t Go Quietly, Even If She Loses Impeachment Vote
Also available for download through the App Store and on all Apple devices. Even if she loses Sunday’s impeachment vote, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff is likely to keep fighting for her job, says one of the people who knows her best. Thomas Traumann, a political analyst who until 2015 was Rousseff’s spokesman, explains why investors … Read more

Impeachment and Brazil’s ‘Que Se Vayan Todos’ Moment
Leia em Português When Argentina’s economy collapsed in late 2001, everybody was absolutely sure whose fault it was. Aloof, hermetic and increasingly prone to slurring his words in public, President Fernando de la Rúa had managed to trash the government’s fiscal accounts in just two years in power. Steakhouses and nightclubs were empty, unemployment was … Read more

The Key to Rousseff’s Future – And Maybe Brazil’s, Too
After more than a decade studying Brazil, there are still two things whose popularity I cannot fully explain: bacalhau and the PMDB. The former is a vile salted codfish that no human being should ever be forced to ingest. The latter is the Brazilian Democratic Movement Party, a shape-shifting, ideologically diverse group of politicians that … Read more