Latin America’s Murder Rates Reveal Surprising New Trends
Homicide data from the region’s cities show signs of progress in some places and cause for concern in others.

Caribbean Murder Rates Are Spiraling As Illegal Guns Flood In
Will demands for U.S. action help slow gunrunning to a region where the homicide rate is triple the global average?

The Self-Defeating Politics Behind Bolsonaro’s Pro-Gun Agenda
Brazil’s president tries to please his base ahead of the 2022 election – to their likely detriment.

Reducing Homicide in Brazil: Insights Into What Works
Amid startling levels of violence, Brazilian state and municipal governments can be a source for innovative solutions.

Latin America Could Cut Its Murder Rate By 50 Percent. Here’s How.
Many deaths are unavoidable. Natural disasters and incurable illnesses can claim lives suddenly, without warning. But there is one untimely death that can be avoided – homicide. It is time for Latin America and the Caribbean to set a bold goal to bring down the murder rate. The region is one of the world’s deadliest. It is home … Read more
Growing Public Insecurity in Central America
Crime has replaced soccer as the hot conversation topic among business leaders, journalists, construction workers, and secretaries in Central America’s Northern Triangle—El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala. Although the problems of delinquency, particularly maras (youth gangs) and organized criminal networks, are not new to the region, public skepticism—bordering on contempt—for all three governments’ inability to deal … Read more