AQ Top 5 Champions of Gender Equality: Miguel Fontes
The Brazilian man promoting a rethink of masculinity.

AQ Top 5 Líderes de Igualdade: Miguel Fontes
O brasileiro que promove o repensar da masculinidade.

AQ Top 5 líderes de la igualdad de género: Miguel Fontes
El hombre brasileño que pide repensar la masculinidad.

AQ Top 5 Champions of Gender Equality: Mabel Bianco
The Argentine doctor on the front lines of women’s health.

AQ Top 5 Líderes de la igualdad de género: Mabel Bianco
La médica argentina a la vanguardia de la salud de las mujeres.

Is Latin America Winning Its Fight Against Zika?
The World Health Organization on Nov. 18 said that Zika no longer constituted a global health emergency. But that doesn’t mean the virus is no longer a threat. According to Giselle Carino of the International Planned Parenthood Federation/Western Hemisphere Region (IPFF/WHR), Zika is “like no other virus we have ever known” in that it is … Read more

Rio’s Forgotten Health Crisis
Editor’s Note: A version of this piece first appeared in Portuguese in Agência Pública, and can be seen here. The English translation has been lightly edited for clarity, context and length. As Rio de Janeiro prepares to receive hundreds of thousands of tourists and athletes from over 200 countries for the Olympic Games, health authorities … Read more

Brazil Is Doing Its Part in the Global Fight Against Zika
On Monday February 1, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Zika virus, transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, an international public health emergency. The announcement follows the declaration by Brazil of a national public health emergency. An outbreak of the Zika virus was detected last year in Brazil. The virus has since been found … Read more
Tackling Brazil’s Obesity Problem
In recent years, Brazil has encountered a health threat more commonly seen in the advanced industrialized nations: obesity. The emergence of fast-food diets, sedentary lifestyles, as well as federal programs designed to alleviate malnourishment has—rather ironically—contributed to the nationwide spread of obesity. A survey conducted by the Ministry of Health, which interviewed 54,000 adults across … Read more
Dispatches: Tracking Cancer in the Guatemalan Highlands
A dusty, pocked ribbon of road winds up and down through the rugged mountains of Alta Verapaz, an extremely remote, mostly indigenous area of