Lula’s “Golden Boy” at the Central Bank
Gabriel Galípolo has ties with the left and the private sector, making him a key bridge-builder at a time of market concerns.

Latin America’s Renewed Fiscal Challenges
Many countries are running excessive budget deficits amid slow revenue growth and higher borrowing costs.

Tres maneras de arreglar las finanzas públicas de América Latina
Un ex ministro de Hacienda de Paraguay argumenta que reformas factibles pueden dar muy buenos resultados.

Three Ways to Fix Latin America’s Public Finances
A former finance minister of Paraguay argues that feasible reforms can yield important results.

This Isn’t the Path to Solving Mexico’s Inequality
Polarization will do nothing to reduce the gap between rich and poor.

Peru Squandered Its Early COVID Advantages. Here’s How It Can Recover.
Less red tape and more public-private cooperation would help Peru beat back the virus.

We Should Focus on Taxes, Not Debt
Latin America can no longer postpone developing strong tax regimes.

How AMLO Became Latin America’s Fiscal Hawk
The Mexican president’s aversion to debt, macroeconomics and bail-outs risks aggravating the impact of COVID-19.

Latin America “Needs Fiscal Stimulus Today,” Mauricio Cárdenas Says
Reforms are still needed, but during the coronavirus crisis additional health expenditures are necessary, says Colombia’s former finance minister.

Mexico’s Fiscal Conundrum
Mexico’s reliance on deficit spending to fund environmental, social and income redistribution programs is a rising concern for its long-term fiscal situation. This is a challenge compounded by its historic reliance on declining oil tax revenue and the need for a structural fiscal reform. Without it, federal government debt will increase and future generations of … Read more