Tres maneras de arreglar las finanzas públicas de América Latina
Un ex ministro de Hacienda de Paraguay argumenta que reformas factibles pueden dar muy buenos resultados.

Three Ways to Fix Latin America’s Public Finances
A former finance minister of Paraguay argues that feasible reforms can yield important results.

Latin America’s True Disaster May Be 2021
As new research shows huge setbacks to education and inequality, the region’s leaders seem to be “sleepwalking,” writes AQ’s editor-in-chief.

What an Economic Recovery in Brazil Might Look Like
Now might seem like an odd time to look for signs of hope in Brazil. Dilma Rousseff has an approval rating of just 10 percent, she faces possible impeachment proceedings, scandal has frozen activity at the country’s biggest companies, inflation runs around 10 percent and the economy is expected to shrink 3 percent this year. … Read more