Vaccine Diplomacy: A New Cold War
Russia and China have stepped up their influence in Latin America, complicating President Biden’s hopes of hemispheric dialogue.

Chinese (Un)official Development Aid
China, unlike members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), considers foreign aid a “state secret,” so the total amount of aid to Latin America—estimated in the hundreds of billions of dollars annually—remains unconfirmed. But it’s clear that such aid forms an important part of China’s increased economic clout in the region. Ngaire … Read more

Exporting Corruption
In 2008, when I was a Fulbright professor at Nankai University in Tianjin, China, the international school my children attended hired a local contractor to build a new classroom wing. As the building reached completion, the relationship went sour: the construction did not meet the criteria originally agreed upon. As the parties began to fight … Read more

China’s Global Rise
China has taken a renewed interest in the five-sixths of the world that is still developing—the area famously christened the “Third World” by Jawaharlal Nehru at the dawn of the Cold War. But China’s identification with the emerging world is by no means new.1 And the interest is not just rhetorical: it is borne out … Read more