Political Guarantees for All Are Crucial to Venezuela’s Election
A negotiated settlement between Chavismo and the opposition is the key to a successful election and democratic transition.

How to Stop Corruption – and Save Democracy – in Latin America
Corruption erodes democracy. Strengthening institutions is the only sure way to stop it.

Who’s Left to Oppose Venezuela’s Maduro?
Threats to Nicolás Maduro’s hold on power look more likely to come from within chavismo than from without.

Chávez’s ‘Golden Generation’ Is Now Fighting Chavismo
Leer en español Lorena remembers her first impression of Hugo Chávez. He was the man in the poster that her father brought from the polling station after casting his vote. “He explained to me that he was the president and he was facing a re-election,” Lorena recalls. She was around six years old. “He told … Read more

Can’t We Give Venezuela’s Opposition a Little Credit?
Venezuela’s opposition is perhaps one of Latin America’s most criticized political forces. Even within the opposition itself, critics abound. Every opposition voter I meet has a long list of complaints about the Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD, in Spanish), the grand coalition of parties that since 2008 has led the opposition to Chavismo and now President … Read more

In Aftermath of Venezuela’s Protests, Whither Chavismo?
The wave of social unrest that hit several cities in Venezuela in February and March is nothing new for a country that has been deeply polarized politically since Hugo Chávez assumed the presidency in 1998. What is different this time is that Chávez—who died of cancer in March 2013—is no longer around, and the protests … Read more

AQ Slideshow: Venezuela’s Colectivos
Caracas has been the scenario of violent clashes between Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro’s government forces and opposition groups, led mainly by opposition politician Leopoldo López, since February 12. So far, the conflict has left at least 41 people dead, and armed chavista groups—nicknamed “colectivos”—have been blamed for many of the casualties. However, members of the … Read more