Patricia Bullrich Prepares Her Next Move
After prevailing in her primary, the shape-shifting political veteran now confronts tough choices in positioning herself against rivals on left and right.

Can Argentina’s Time Bomb Be Defused?
As this year’s election nears, so does the danger of repeating a dynamic where each outgoing government leaves the next with pressing problems to solve.

Can a Pipeline Fix Argentina’s Economy—and Sway the Election?
President Fernández and Finance Minister Massa are hoping Vaca Muerta will help the country export its way out of stagnation—starting before this year’s presidential election.

Changing Argentina’s Inertia: Is it Possible?
The obstacle, as always, is politics.

It’s Groundhog Day in Argentina
What explains the endless cycle of recession and crisis? A leading economist offers a less traditional diagnosis – and suggests remedies.

Argentina’s Economy and the 2015 Presidential Elections
There’s more than a year to go until Argentina’s October 2015 presidential elections, but campaign season unofficially kicked off last October when the headquarters of National Deputy Sergio Massa (Frente Renovador, or Renewing Front party) and current Buenos Aires Mayor Mauricio Macri (Propuesta Republicana, or Republican Proposal party—PRO) erupted in joy upon hearing the results … Read more