REACTION: Daniel Noboa Wins Presidency in Ecuador
Noboa will lead the country through May 2025 amid rising violence and economic uncertainty.

Cautious Hopes for a Breakthrough in Venezuela
As the government and the U.S. near an agreement on sanctions ahead of opposition primaries and 2024 elections, what will it take to transition to democracy?

AQ Podcast: Making Sense of Venezuela’s Elections
Another crossroads in Venezuela, as Maduro negotiates with Washington on conditions for elections in 2024.

Un Puente Dorado para el Gobierno de Maduro
Quienes detentan el poder necesitan incentivos para participar en una posible transición democrática. Las investigaciones penales sobre corrupción y otros delitos conexos pueden proporcionarlos.

AQ Podcast | Bolivia: The Return of Evo Morales?
The longtime president wants to run again in 2025. What does it mean for the Andean nation?

A Golden Bridge for the Maduro Government
Those in power need incentives to engage in a potential democratic transition. Criminal investigations into corruption and related crimes can provide them.

On Trade, Petro Should Emulate Lula, AMLO
A former Colombian planning minister writes that instead of revising trade agreements, his country and others should focus on solving market and government failures.

AQ Podcast: Who’s Who in Ecuador’s Election
A look ahead to the runoff on October 15. What can we expect from the candidates and what is at stake?

What Caused Peru’s Economic Downfall?
Social cleavages have turned politics into a fight for spoils, draining the country’s productive potential, writes a former minister of economy and finance.

AQ Podcast: A Turning Point for Latin America’s Economies
The head of economics for the region at Citigroup on why analysts are boosting forecasts for Mexico and Brazil

REACTION: González, Noboa to Square off in Ecuador’s Presidential Runoff
Analysts react to the surprise result from the first round of the presidential election.

REACTION: Ecuador Presidential Candidate Assassinated
The unprecedented killing of Fernando Villavicencio, an outspoken critic of corruption and organized crime, has shaken the country ahead of elections on August 20.

Letter to the Editor: It Is Too Soon to Dismiss Petro’s Environment Hopes
A response from AQ readers

Q&A: The Nonprofit Spotlighting Domestic Workers’ Commutes
Based in Bogotá, Valentina Montoya Robledo’s Invisible Commutes wants to make public transit work better for household workers.

In Lima, Money Can’t Save You from Loneliness in Old Age
A new novel follows seniors left behind in a changing city, as they prepare to make a final, radical decision.