Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

How Latin American Governments Favor the Old

This article is adapted from AQ’s print issue on youth in Latin America. In economics it’s known as a demographic windfall—when, in the course of a nation’s development, diminishing birth rates mean fewer hungry mouths to feed relative to the number of young people in their working prime, with still comparatively few retirees living off … Read more


How Can Latin America Keep Its Entrepreneurs At Home?

This article is adapted from AQ’s print issue on entrepreneurship. To see our AQ Top 5 list of young entrepreneurs in Latin America, click here. When Bruno Santiago first came up with his idea for a business travel app that combines commercial and private jet databases, he sat down and wrote a list of pros and … Read more

Xi jinping

How Trump Benefits China in Latin America

The timing was perfect, and the symbolism could not have been stronger. A mere week after Donald Trump’s upset victory stunned the world, Xi Jinping traveled to Lima for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit and projected China as a bastion of stability, predictability and openness. With the U.S. increasingly skeptical of globalization, Xi promised … Read more

Uruguay Wins

Uruguay Is Latin America’s Social Inclusion Leader. Here’s Why.

Leer en español This article is adapted from AQ’s most recent issue, “Fixing Brazil.” To receive the print edition at home, subscribe here. A small country sandwiched between larger neighbors has claimed the number-one spot in Americas Quarterly Social Inclusion Index TM — for the third year in a row. So, what does Uruguay keep getting right? Simply … Read more


This Week in Latin America: Colombia’s Peace Campaign

Sign up here to get This Week in Latin America delivered to your inbox every Monday. Colombia’s Peace Campaign: Colombian officials are preparing for the end of hostilities with the FARC despite indications that many in the country oppose a proposed peace deal. Government, FARC and U.N. representatives will today begin verifying 23 “concentration zones” in which the guerrillas will remain for … Read more


Ayude a los boomers a retirarse en América Latina

Leer en inglés Estimado(a) Sr(a) Presidente(a): Los baby boomers de Estados Unidos a menudo parecen representar las importaciones de mayor crecimiento en México. En la región del Lago de Chapala, en donde vivo, una cifra estimada de más de 10,000 estadounidenses –o el doble de ese número dependiendo de la época del año– llaman “su … Read more


This Week in Latin America: Brazil’s New Speaker

Sign up here to get This Week in Latin America delivered to your inbox every Monday. Brazil’s New Speaker: Brazil’s lower house will elect a new speaker on Wednesday, following the tearful resignation of Eduardo Cunha on July 7 amid an ethics investigation. Accused of taking up to $40 million in bribes and lying about an offshore bank account linked to the vast … Read more


A Closer Look at the Latin American Women that Could Lead the UN

Christiana Figueres doesn’t drink coffee. The Costa Rican told AQ that despite hailing from a major exporter of the world’s favorite bean, she bounces around perfectly well without it. After witnessing her formidable leadership as head of the UN Climate Change Secretariat for the past six years, it is hard to disagree. On July 5, … Read more


Save the Lives of Central American Migrants

In the new issue of Americas Quarterly, we asked people, “What would you tell the next U.S. president about Latin America?” To see other authors’ responses, click here. Dear Mister / Madam President, Judging from the rhetoric coming from both parties’ presidential campaigns, immigration will continue to be a hotly contested issue under the next … Read more

Pinochet Top

Taking the Long View on Latin American Democracy

When the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) was founded in 1966, there was a clear need for dialogue and debate over the direction the region was headed. Military dictatorships were in power across the Americas, from Honduras to Argentina. Democracy, far from the rule, was the exception. Just 50 years after a future of alternative … Read more

Youth Unemployment

As Latin America’s Economies Falter, Young Workers Lose Out

This article was updated on May 4. Latin America and the Caribbean are on course for back-to-back years of recession for the first time in 35 years, but the pain isn’t being spread equally. With some of the highest jobless rates of any age group in the region, young Latin Americans have proven particularly vulnerable to … Read more


Centroamérica sigue tan violenta como siempre. ¿Cómo podría cambiar?

Read in English La primera vez que intenté visitar Suchitoto era una ciudad en estado de sitio. Las guerrillas de izquierda que controlaban el cercano volcán Guazapa estaban tratando de correr a los militares. Tres cuartas partes de sus 40.000 habitantes habían huido o muerto. La vida era miserable para los que se quedaron en … Read more


Central America Is As Violent As Ever. What Would it Take to Change?

Leer en español The first time I tried to visit Suchitoto, it was a town under siege. Left-wing guerrillas who held the nearby Guazapa volcano were trying to drive the military out. Three-quarters of the town’s 40,000 population had fled or been killed – and life was miserable for those who remained, as sabotage attacks … Read more

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