El extraño plan de Allende para conectar a Chile, mucho antes del internet
Antes del golpe de Estado, esta red de computadoras buscaba vigilar la economía en Chile.
Antes del golpe de Estado, esta red de computadoras buscaba vigilar la economía en Chile.
Prior to the coup, an early computer network sought to more closely monitor Chile’s economy.
Venezuelans abroad are channeling their coding skills to help their country.
Una madre y diseñadora que está mejorando la alimentación con biberón para bebés
The “black box” transmits movies, TV and streaming services like Netflix at a fraction of the usual cost. It’s highly popular — and completely illegal.
This article is adapted from AQ’s print issue on piracy in Latin America Trade and intellectual property (IP) have been bound together for a long time. The first major international agreement on intellectual property dates back to 1883 with the signing of the Paris Convention. The treaty was formed after inventors refused to participate in … Read more
A look at what the region’s governments are doing – and not doing – to stem piracy.