Ask the Experts: Trade is Back!
How can Latin American economies better engage global trade partners as they recover from the end of the commodities boom?
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Charticle: How We Trade in the Hemisphere
For the most part, the main trade and investment action is taking place on the Pacific side of the hemisphere.
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The 2015 Social Inclusion Index
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From Stumbling Blocks to Building Blocs
Why we need to take another look at hemisphere-wide free trade
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Getting to Win-Win: FTAs in the Americas
Labor and capital could share the benefits of expanded trade—if everyone followed the rules
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The TPP: Almost There
Will the 12-nation Pacific pact be a game changer?
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The Peruvian Success Story
How free trade turned a once-struggling economy into a global player.
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AQ Interview: Heraldo Muñoz
In an interview with Americas Quarterly, Chilean Minister of Foreign Affairs Heraldo Muñoz describes Chile’s initiative to negotiate a closer relationship between the Pacific Alliance and Mercosur, and warns that a region divided by Atlantic vs. Pacific will weaken Latin America’s competitiveness.
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Bloc That Trade
The region's existing trade blocs have not produced productive integration. Why not bring them together?
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Sink or Float: Mercosur and the Pacific Alliance
Is a rapprochement between the blocs on the horizon?
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Harvesting Hope
Can global certifications like Fairtrade help the agricultural poor reap the benefits of globalized trade?
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Fast Track? Not So Fast
The TPP Faces Staunch Opposition from Lawmakers and Civil Society Groups across the Americas.
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Mexico Goes Global
A once-protectionist economy leads the region’s Asia-Pacific market.
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Why We Need A Global Trade Deal
It’s a guarantee that there are no losers in the race for growth—especially in the hemisphere
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Behind the Numbers: The Reproductive Rights Debate in Latin America Today
Despite some notable victories, progress is slow
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Behind the Numbers: Race and Ethnicity in Latin America
Understanding the needs of Afro-descendant and Indigenous peoples starts with asking the right questions.
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