Let's Confront Global Challenges Together
"The world is ripe for a renewed and strengthened multilateralism, and the support of the U.S. will be decisive."
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Reexamine the War on Drugs
"We still need the United States at our side to advance the cause of human rights in our countries."
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Build on Regional Successes
"The new American strategy should be sensitive to the importance of key sectors such as infrastructure, telecommunications, energy, and financial services to economic development."
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Expand Trade—Even with Cuba
"Further trade liberalization will deliver a significant economic boost and a powerful impetus to speed the recovery from the current global economic slowdown."
Be a Global Leader
"Today's Iron Curtain is the impenetrable barrier between those who have enough to eat, and those who die of needless hunger."
Ignore the Has-Beens, Look to Brazil
"Perhaps you can channel Presidents Kennedy and Reagan as they stood next to another wall and issue your own declaration: 'Ich bin ein Americano: I will tear down this wall along the Rio Grande."
End the Credit Squeeze on Latin America’s Poor
"The U.S. can smooth the way to broader financial access by easing its enforcement of stringent 'know-your-customer' rules."
Build Smart Borders
"Did you know that, on average, a vehicle being assembled in North America crosses one or both U.S. and Canadian borders six times?"
Recognize that Cuba’s Future Is Inside Cuba
"It is imperative for our Latin American brothers to assume the moral duty of isolating and condemning the Cuban government."
Recognize and Work with the New Central America
"Differences in education, industrialization, productive infrastructure, and technology between the U.S. and our region have grown starker."
Strike a New Partnership with Brazil
"A trading community that encompasses the entire continent would foster greater economic integration and lead our region to a new level of development."
Define the Next-Generation Agenda Of the U.S.-Mexico Relationship
"...no other bilateral relationship is more important for the security and prosperity of the U.S. than its relationship with Mexico."
It’s Time for a Fresh Start
"A rich agenda for integration has brought effective results in social policy, health, education, culture, and the environment."
Respect Those on The Other Side
"...support projects aimed at resolving Bolivia's internal conflicts, rather than deepening the polarization."
Recognize and Build on Our Progress
"You should immediately urge the approval of the free trade agreements pending in Congress with Colombia and Panama."
Upgrade the Diplomatic Corps
"Talk of redoing NAFTA has to be shelved..."
Redistribute the Windfall from High Oil Prices
"Invest a portion of the profits earned from today's high oil prices to benefit the countries that have been worse hit by the multiple price increases."
Tackle Global Warming
"Establish a task force to develop international policy aimed at curbing global carbon emissions, including the introduction of additional multilateral incentives."
Develop a New Hemispheric Vision
"It will make a huge difference if the U.S. government becomes less tolerant of corrupt leaders and values more transparent and open information."
Tackle Global Warming
"Establish a task force to develop international policy aimed at curbing global carbon emissions, including the introduction of additional multilateral incentives."
Deal with the Left’s Resurgence
"While the U.S. has been occupied elsewhere during the last eight years, Chávez has exploited his new oil wealth to win converts."
Bridge the Digital Divide
In today's technology-driven economy, bridging the digital divide is essential for countries to break out of the periphery."
Reform the Immigration System
"The vast number of Mexican immigrants [in the U.S.] represents a highly qualified and motivated labor force that would be a resource to any country."
Move Beyond the One-Policy-Fits-All-Model
"The next administration should be bold and establish an important aid package for infrastructure and institution building to help countries demographically linked to the United States."
Protect the Lives and Rights Of Indigenous People
"I encourage you to use the traditional knowledge of our peoples to protect our environment."