Hype or Promise
Pairing philanthropy and profit takes work—and smart regulation. (video interview available)
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Do Chinese Mining Companies Exploit More?
Assessing their record on labor rights and the environment. (video available)
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The Brazil–Africa Narco Nexus
The emerging narco nexus between West Africa and Brazil.
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Not So Fast: The Realities of Impact Investing
The ups and downs of microfinance offer some cautionary lessons to champions of socially concious investing.
When the Private Sector Isn't Enough
Governments play a vital role in ensuring that impact investment achieves genuine social and environmental goals.
Argentina's New National Goal
The new government should focus on education quality as well as spending.
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Root Capital: A Case Study in Impact Investing
Root Capital introduces big investors to small rural farmers and cooperatives—with dramatic results.
The Decline in Inequality in Latin America: Policies, Politics or Luck?
While real, the recent gains in inequality remain fragile.
Ask the Experts: When Profit Meets Social Purpose
Can impact investment be an effective tool to reduce poverty?
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Dilma's Education Dilemma
Dilma's dilemma: spreading the benefit of windfall oil profits without undermining growth.
Charticle: How to Be an Impact Investor
It starts with finding the money. And then it gets really complicated.