How to Fulfill the Promise of CSR
If hemisphere business leaders and their government counterparts truly want to address the full potential of corporate social responsibility to improve quality of life, they will need to be more creative.
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Beyond Philanthropy
Microsoft's founder argues that the principles of innovation can be applied to corporate citizenship, and offers up a few of the company's new ideas for expanding access to technology in Latin America.
Corporate Inclusion
Latin American women are finally reaching the upper rungs of the corporate ladder—and the results are showing up in the bottom line.
Profits and the Poor
Can the private sector earn money fighting poverty? Three recent case studies in Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil suggest it's possible—but it won't be easy.
Why Brazil Leads the Region in CSR
Modern Brazilian firms are now the hemisphere's template for conscientious civic involvement. But not all of their compatriots are getting the message.
Beat the Heat
Floods in Mexico. Hurricanes in the Dominican Republic. Desertification in Brazil. For environmentally conscious CEOs, weather disasters sparked by global climate change represent both a challenge and an opportunity.
Dispatches from the Field Oaxaca: One Year Later
Mexico's southern state is starting to recover from the protests that plunged it into chaos one year ago. A quick walk-through reveals that small businesses and the poor are suffering the aftermath.
Panorama: Looking at our hemisphere from all directions
Carnaval (again) in Rio: find your inner Samba; ten things to keep you occupied in Monterrey; Latin American Sundance finalists; how a new version of Internet Protocol will soon plug in millions of new devices; Kilometro Zero opens new creative spaces for Bolivian artists; what U.S. presidential candidates are saying about our hemisphere; this season's major upcoming cultural and policy events.
Enrique Ruiz Villaseñor provides Mexico's growing expatriate community with a taste of home. Alan Clutterbuck opens a nonpartisan leadership school for up-and-coming Argentine politicians, and gets them to work together. Helena Hofbauer teaches civil society groups that understanding arcane budgets can improve government accountability.
Digital Divide: Educating For Cyberspace
Digital Divide: unequal Internet access is threatening to widen age-old disparities within and among countries in Latin America.
Human Rights: Advances in the Americas
Human Rights: ending amnesty for the abuses of former leaders is giving governments a chance to exorcise the ghosts of their past.
Adoption: Making It Transparent But Keeping It Efficient In Guatemala
Adoption: Guatemala reforms some of its child-adoption practices, but it may mean longer waits for would-be parents abroad.
Fresh Look Reviews
An anthology of essays from Argentina's emerging generation of Peronist leaders imagines a new vision of society in 2020. Philip Oxhorn questions some of its assumptions; Luigi Manzetti reviews Kurt Weyland's new book that examines policy diffusion in the hemisphere; and Eduardo Lora finds some important lessons in an analysis of the surprising staying power of the Washington Consensus. Also reviewed: "Del otro lado del rio: Ambientalismo y politica entre Uruguayos y Argentinos"; and "Mujer, sexualidad, internet y politica: Los nuevos electorales latinoamericanos".