Nicolás Maduro Goes “Full Ortega”
Venezuela’s dictator doubles down on fraud and repression, leaving a narrow and highly dangerous path ahead.

REACTION: Maduro Declared Winner of Venezuela’s Disputed Election
Government-controlled electoral authorities claim Maduro won, while the opposition rejected the official count.

Venezuela’s Electoral Landscape Favors the Opposition
The fundamentals of the presidential race bode ill for Maduro, writes a seasoned pollster.

In Venezuela’s Election, Energy and Climate Policies Are Also at Stake
Without political change, the country’s lack of action on climate and the environment represents a huge opportunity cost, an expert writes.

Nicaragua’s Flip From Taiwan to China Has Yet to Pay Off
Engaging with Beijing was supposed to anchor the nation’s economy, but the decision has not lived up to expectations.

AMLO’s Judicial Reform Overlooks the Key Weakness of Mexican Justice
Prosecutors’ willingness and capacity to investigate crimes is the nation’s judicial system’s weakest link, writes an expert.

La Verdad Sobre el Sector Privado en Cuba
Contrario a ciertas especulaciones, en la isla existe un gran número de empresarios que operan fuera del ámbito del Estado, argumentan los autores.

Latin America’s Renewed Fiscal Challenges
Many countries are running excessive budget deficits amid slow revenue growth and higher borrowing costs.

The Truth About Cuba’s Private Sector
Contrary to some speculation, the island continues to see a large number of entrepreneurs operating outside the umbrella of the state, the authors write.

In Venezuela, Is This Time Different?
A unified opposition has a real chance to restore democracy on July 28. The U.S. should do everything possible to support the transition.

Latin America’s Security Crisis Is a Political Problem, Too
Crime and politics are becoming more entangled, undermining the region’s stability, an expert writes.

Why AI May Be Better for Latin America Than You Think
A new IMF report adds to a sense Latin America may lose less from the AI revolution than previously thought—though its preparedness is lacking.

In Latin America, the U.S. Is Relying Too Much on its Military
SouthCom has become the most visible bridge for political engagement in the region. That’s a mistake, the authors write.

Despite a Grim Today, Prosperity Is Still Possible in Haiti
After years of dire events, a new transition offers a window to lay plans for societal success.

Understanding the Storm in Brazilian Markets
Worries over Brazil’s fiscal deficit and monetary policy have battered the country’s currency in 2024.