Lula Should Look to the Future, Not the Past
By focusing on interest rates and reindustrialization, Brazil’s president is missing out on the real opportunities facing his government.

Venezuela’s Opposition Still Has Lots of Work to Do
Upcoming primary elections present an opportunity, but don’t guarantee unity—or a connection with voters.

On Security, Bukele and Petro Have a Problem in Common
A recent Twitter feud laid bare the two presidents’ starkly different security approaches. But they both struggle to identify long-term solutions.

Mexico Is Killing Its Golden Goose
The president’s vision for the country is erasing years of institution-building efforts—and endangering its economic and political stability, says the chairman of Mexico Evalúa.

Contestando al retroceso democrático de El Salvador
Los países de la región deben sonar la alarma sobre los impactos a largo plazo de restringir los derechos de los ciudadanos.

Countering El Salvador’s Democratic Backsliding
Countries across the region must raise the alarm about the long-term impact of curbing citizens’ rights.

Mexico Has a Path to Meet Its Climate Pledges
Fulfilling the country’s commitments to reduce emissions will be a critical task for the next administration.

Latin America’s Migration Policies Look Set to Tighten
Countries are facing a balancing act and restrictive rules in the U.S. may impact policy choices across the region.

Can Argentina’s Time Bomb Be Defused?
As this year’s election nears, so does the danger of repeating a dynamic where each outgoing government leaves the next with pressing problems to solve.

Who is the Dark Horse in Mexico’s Presidential Race?
Interior Minister Adán Augusto López Hernández is shaping himself in the president’s image.

As Argentina’s Economy Sputters, Security Concerns Shape Its Campaign
Even as inflation nears triple digits, opposition politicians see opportunity in Argentines’ concerns over safety and organized crime.

One Year On: Which Boric Presides Over Chile?
The former student activist has had to face the reality of governing — and securing the streets he once marched on.

A Bipartisan U.S. Approach On Venezuela Is Possible—and Necessary
Trump and Obama National Security Council appointees pitch a new strategy, together.

The Great De-platforming of the Mexican Intellectual
How the internet and the government conspired to drown out public discourse at just the moment Mexican democracy truly needs it.

Can a Pipeline Fix Argentina’s Economy—and Sway the Election?
President Fernández and Finance Minister Massa are hoping Vaca Muerta will help the country export its way out of stagnation—starting before this year’s presidential election.