Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

AQ Podcast | Ecuador’s Difficult Battle with Organized Crime 

An analysis of the numbers on the war on crime, Noboa’s reputation at home and abroad and a look at Ecuador’s economy.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Ecuador’s young president Daniel Noboa is engaged in a tough battle with organized crime groups that paralyzed the country earlier this year. It’s been six months since that dramatic series of events. In this episode we take stock of what has happened since. How successfully has the government dealt with the security crisis? How valid are comparisons between Ecuador’s crackdown and that of Nayib Bukele in El Salvador? What has happened to Noboa’s popularity after it spiked following those attacks in January? And is Noboa considered the favorite to be reelected in Ecuador’s next presidential election, scheduled for February 2025? Our guest is Sebastián Hurtado, a political risk consultant based in Quito.

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Brian Winter is the editor-in-chief of Americas Quarterly.  


Sebastián Hurtado is the co-founder and CEO of Prófitas, a political risk consultancy based in Quito.

If you’d like to know more:

Ecuador’s Crusading Attorney General Is Facing Her Toughest Challenge Yet by María Teresa Escobar

What Ecuador’s Embassy Drama Means for Noboa by Sebastián Hurtado

Ecuador’s War on Drug Gangs: A Mixed Picture So Far by Jorge R. Imbaquingo

AQ Podcast | Ecuador’s Crossroads: Can Noboa Succeed?

Tags: AQ Podcast, Crime, Crime in Latin America, Daniel Noboa, Ecuador, Ecuador politics, podcast
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