Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

Olivia Amter

Olivia Amter is junior consultant at Cefeidas Group, an international advisory firm based in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Erick Monterrosas Castrejón

Erick Monterrosas Castrejón es un consultor independiente en derechos humanos. Ha colaborado con instituciones académicas y organizaciones de la sociedad civil en Estados Unidos, México y Centroamérica en temas de género, derechos sexuales, organización de víctimas, libertad de expresión, migración y participación política. Twitter @nierico


Samuel George

Samuel George is a Latin America specialist working in Washington DC.


Emma Sokoloff-Rubin

Emma  Sokoloff-Rubin is a reporter for GothamSchools in New York City.  Jeffrey W. Rubin and Emma Sokoloff-Rubin are coauthors of Sustaining Activism, A Brazilian Women’s Movement and a Father-Daughter Collaboration (www.sustainingactivism.com).


Jeffrey W. Rubin

Jeffrey W. Rubin is Professor of History at Boston University. He received a MacArthur Research and Writing Grant for his research in Brazil and a grant from the Open Society Institute to study business responses to progressive reform in Latin America. 


Sarah Stephens

Sarah Stephens is executive director of the Center for Democracy in the Americas in Washington DC.


Thor Halvorssen

Thor Halvorssen is president of the Human Rights Foundation, a human rights organization based in New York.


Diego Moya-Ocampos

Diego Moya-Ocampos is a senior political risk analyst for Venezuela for IHS Global Insight and IHS Jane’s. He previously worked as a lawyer for a private firm in Venezuela advising government agencies and private businesses on constitutional, regulatory and environmental issues, and as Chief Secretary at the Venezuelan Attorney-General’s Office.


Andrea Román Alfaro

Andrea Román Alfaro works as a sociologist for the social studies team of JGP Consultoria in Lima, Peru. She studied Government-Sociology at Skidmore College, New York and is interested in social development and public policy.


Christian Gómez, Jr.

Christian Gómez, Jr. is a contributing blogger to AQ Online. He is director of energy at the Council of the Americas. Follow him on Twitter at @cgomezenergy.


Boris Heger

Boris Heger is a Swiss French photographer and videographer based in Colombia. 


Stephen Keppel

Stephen Keppel is Univision News’ Economics Editor and Director of Financial Content. He oversees financial news in English and Spanish. 


Mariana Atencio

Mariana Atencio is a journalist for the Special Investigations and Documentaries at Univision. She is also a correspondent for Univision News in English, as well as Noticiero Univision, the network’s national newscast. You can follow her on twitter at @marianaatencio.


Edwin Julio Palomino Cadenas

Edwin Julio Palomino Cadenas is senior lecturer at the Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo, Environmental Sciences Faculty.

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