Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

Amgad Shehata

Amgad Shehata is the senior vice president in the Western Hemisphere for strategy & public affairs at UPS.


Arturo Cherbowski Lask

Arturo Cherbowski Lask is the executive director of Santander Universidades and general director of Universia México.


Miryam Hazán

Miryam Hazán is the Washington director of Mexicans and Americans Thinking Together (MATT).


Joel Brito

Joel Brito is the executive director of the International Group for Corporate Social Responsibility in Cuba and an expert on Cuban labor issues and workers’ rights.  


Juan Cristóbal Bonnefoy

Juan Cristóbal Bonnefoy is the chief of the Inter-American Institute for Economic and Social Development (INDES) at the IDB.


Matthew Budd

Matthew Budd is a program officer at RESDAL.


Patricia Ellen

Patricia Ellen is a partner in McKinsey’s Rio de Janeiro office.


Jaana Remes

Jaana Remes is a partner at the McKinsey Global Institute.  


Raúl Rodríguez-Barocio

Raúl Rodríguez-Barocio is chairman of the U.S.-Mexico Foundation and former CEO of the North American Development Bank.  


Boris Muñoz

Boris Muñoz is a Venezuelan journalist. His most recent book is Despachos del imperio.  


Wade H. McMullen, Jr.

 Wade H. McMullen, Jr. is a staff attorney for the International Litigation Unit at the RFK Center.

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