Emilie Sweigart
Sweigart is an editor at Americas Quarterly and a policy manager at the Americas Society/Council of the Americas
- Linha do tempo: a política dos EUA para a América Latina nos governos Trump e Biden
- Timeline: U.S.-Latin America Relations Under Trump and Biden
- Cronología: Relaciones EE.UU.-América Latina durante Trump y Biden
- Q&A: Chile’s Ambitious Environmental Fund
- Saudi Arabia Courts Latin America and the Caribbean
- Cinco claves para mejorar la seguridad de los puertos de América Latina
- Cinco lições para melhorar a segurança dos portos na América Latina
- Five Keys to Better Port Security in Latin America
- Meet the Candidates: Mexico
- Meet the Candidates: Dominican Republic
- A Last Hope for Chile’s New Constitution?
- Why Is Latin America So Vulnerable to Cyberattacks? We Ran the Numbers.
- A Tough Year for Anti-Corruption
- Q&A: The Chilean Architects Building High-Rises—Out of Wood
- Thinking Abroad: Latin America’s Foreign Policies
- Mexico’s “Other” Huge Election Is Heating Up
- The No-Nonsense Mayor Leading Chile’s Right
- Anti-Corruption in Latin America: Still Alive, Despite Setbacks
- Venezuela and Nicolás Maduro: An Overview