Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

Advertisement Specifications

Full-Page Ad

Trim size:7.5 x 10 inches19.050 x 25.400 cm
Live area size:7 x 9.50 inches18.415 x 24.765 cm
Bleed size:7.75 x 10.25 inches19.685 x 26.035 cm
Bleed margin:0.125 inch0.318 cm

Half-Page Ad

Trim size:7.5 x 5 inches19.050 x 12.700 cm
Live area size:7.25 x 4.75 inches18.415 x 12.065 cm
Bleed size:7.75 x 5.125 inches19.685 x 13.178 cm
Bleed margin:0.125 inch0.318 cm

Two-Page Spread Ad

Trim size:15 x 10 inches38.100 x 25.400 cm
Live area size:14.75 x 9.75 inches37.465 x 24.765 cm
Bleed size:15.25 x 10.25 inches38.735 x 26.035 cm
Bleed margin:0.125 inch0.318 cm

Please allow for a pica repeat where applicable.

Safety: (Keep live matter from trim) 0.25 inch (0.635 cm)

Bleed margin: Please include for the gutter edge.

Preferred Delivery Format

High resolution PDF (300 dpi or 150 line screen) in CMYK format (for four-color ads)

Please also send a visual to size and a SWOP-certified color guide.

Delivery: Please send the ad on CD or via our FTP server to:

Attn: Rich Brown
Americas Quarterly

Americas Society / Council of the Americas
680 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10065



FTP Option: Please contact Rich Brown at rbrown@as-coa.org for FTP instructions.


Leaderboard:728 x 90 pixels
Full Banner:468 x 60 pixels
Square:336 x 280 pixels
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