Why the Lozoya Case Won’t Be Mexico’s Lava Jato
January may bring more momentum for the case, but don’t expect a system overhaul.

The Risky Politics of Anti-Money Laundering
In Mexico and Brazil, financial intelligence is dangerously entering the political arena.

AQ Top 5 de figuras contra la corrupción: Diana Salazar
Una fiscal que hace historia está sacudiendo Quito con audaces investigaciones sobre los poderosos.

AQ Top 5 Anti-Corruption Figures: Diana Salazar
A history-making prosecutor is shaking up Quito with bold investigations into the powerful.

Inside Argentina’s Quiet Effort to Overhaul Campaign Finance
Despite polarized politics, a bipartisan coalition managed to pass a significant campaign finance reform.

To Deal or Not to Deal, That Is the Question for Prosecutors in Latin America
Peru’s plea bargain with a former Odebrecht executive pries another crack in the anti-corruption Pandora’s Box.

Colombia’s Inspector General: “Corruption Is the New Cartel”
Fernando Carrillo discusses how to improve international cooperation in the fight against corruption in this interview with AQ.

Why Brazilian Politics Needs a Radical Makeover
Brazil is one of the top 10 economies globally, but it fails to meet too many of its population’s basic needs. It is one of the OECD countries with the highest public spending on education – yet Brazilian students perform worse on international tests than those in other OECD countries. Half of all Brazilians still lack access to basic sanitation and 35 million lack … Read more

Three Top Challenges for Brazil’s Next Foreign Minister
José Serra’s tenure as Brazil’s Minister of Health from 1998 to 2002 was highlighted by a successful effort to overcome the resistance of U.S. pharmaceutical giants and provide Brazilians with universal access to generic AIDS drugs, a move that saved hundreds of thousands of lives. Serra was unable to make such a significant mark in … Read more

No More Odebrechts: Three Steps to Reduce Graft in Latin America
The revelations of years of immense and systemic bribe payments to policymakers across Latin America by engineering and construction conglomerate Odebrecht are an unmitigated disaster for Brazil – and its foreign policy of the last decade and a half. The internationalization of Brazilian capitalism – that is, the government’s strategy of boosting Brazil’s influence by … Read more