WEBCAST: Stopping Violence Against Women: A Conversation with Luiza Trajano
AS/COA and Citi Foundation host a conversation with the chairwoman of Brazilian retailer Magazine Luiza on how companies can contribute to stopping gender violence.

WEBCAST: Improving Women’s Access to Finance for a Post-COVID Recovery
AS/COA and Citi Foundation host a conversation on improving women’s financial inclusion, featuring Colombian Vice President Marta Lucía Ramírez.

Tracking Latin America’s Other Pandemic: Violence Against Women
Better data on gender-based violence is needed now more than ever.

Why Women Need to Be Part of Latin America’s Recovery
The region should focus on bringing women into the workplace when the post-outbreak rebuilding begins.

How Argentine Women Are Taking the Feminist Fight to the Soccer Pitch
A new professional league underscores the growing clout of Argentina’s women’s movement.

Centroamérica no mejorará mientras los temas de las mujeres no sean una prioridad
Read in English El fracaso de América Latina en prestar atención a las mujeres está rezagando a la región. A pesar del gran éxito en la reducción de la pobreza y de la desigualdad de ingresos durante la primera década del siglo 21, la amplia brecha de género en la región continúa siendo un freno … Read more

Greater Women’s Equality in Latin America Would Unlock $1 Trillion
Women have won five presidential elections in Latin America – an impressive feat. Yet much more still needs to be done to advance women’s equality in the region. The economic benefits alone would be huge – by our calculations more than $1 trillion over the next decade. At a time when many Latin American economies … Read more
Latin American Women Driving Region’s Prosperity
Women are increasingly becoming Latin America’s key development partners. Moms, students, working professionals and women from all walks of life are the driving force behind a gender revolution that has made huge contributions to our region’s prosperity. Over the last decade, Latin American countries have made big strides in reducing poverty and bringing down inequality. … Read more