Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas
Dilma Rousseff

This Week in Latin America: Dilma’s Last Days?

Sign up here to get This Week in Latin America delivered to your inbox every Monday. Rousseff’s Trials: The acting speaker of Brazil’s lower house this morning annulled last month’s impeachment vote against President Dilma Rousseff, throwing into question whether the Senate will vote this Wednesday on the issue, as had been expected. A Senate committee on … Read more


This Week in Latin America: Puerto Rico Defaults

Sign up here to get This Week in Latin America delivered to your inbox every Monday. Missed Payment: Puerto Rico will default on most of a $422 million debt payment due today, the largest missed payment so far in the island’s ongoing debt crisis. Governor Alejandro García Padilla on Sunday announced a moratorium on the debt repayment, citing failed restructuring negotiations and the … Read more


AQ Graphic: An Overview of Central America’s Economies and Infrastructure

  by Sarah Bons and Ivana Mellers   Does growth equal progress in Central America? In the following pages, AQ provides a snapshot of economic and social indicators from Guatemala to Panama, as well as an overview of the region’s infrastructure. While many countries have seen moderate to strong GDP growth in recent years, some … Read more

Peru Election

This Week in Latin America: Peru Votes

Sign up here to get This Week in Latin America delivered to your inbox every Monday. Peru Election: Peruvians go to the polls on April 10 to elect their next president from a shrinking pool of candidates. Investor favorite Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, who is polling second behind center-right front-runner Keiko Fujimori, is the latest to face potential disqualification … Read more


This Week in Latin America: Brazil’s Government Breakup

Sign up here to get This Week in Latin America delivered to your inbox every Monday. PMDB Decision on Rousseff: It is considered “inevitable” that Brazil’s largest political party, the PMDB, will on Tuesday formally break with the government and support the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff. One party leader tweeted “On Tuesday the 29th, the party will decide to … Read more


The Cost of Corruption

by Ivana Mellers   In recent years, there has been great progresscracking down on corruption across the Americas. Here, we explore the many forms corruption can take — from corporate bribery to vote buying to tax evasion — and their estimated cost. This is not an exhaustive list, nor do we mean to single out any particular country. Instead, … Read more


Es hora de tener mayor transparencia en América Latina

Read in English Durante las últimas décadas, diversas investigaciones han demostrado el enorme impacto nocivo de la corrupción en el desarrollo económico, político y social de los países. Sin embargo, a pesar de toda la evidencia existente –cuyos sólidos argumentos revelan que la corrupción incrementa la desigualdad y la pobreza-,  esta sigue diseminándose en nuestros … Read more


Central American Refugees Turn South as U.S. and Mexico Tighten Borders

In July 2014, at the peak of the Central American migration crisis in the U.S., officials in Mexico announced a plan to stem the tide of illegal entries on the country’s porous southern border with Guatemala. Dubbed Programa Frontera Sur, the new policy was partly responsible for a dramatic drop in the number of unaccompanied minors arriving … Read more


This Week in Latin America: Political Crises in Guatemala

Here are a few of the stories we’re following this week: Turmoil in Guatemala: Guatemala’s President Otto Pérez Molina (pictured) may face impeachment over his alleged participation in a wide-ranging corruption scandal involving the country’s customs agency. The president denied any connection with the scheme during a televised address on Sunday night, just days after his former vice-president, Roxana Baldetti, was arrested on fraud charges. The scandal … Read more


Endnotes: Race and Ethnicity in Latin America

Below are the endnotes from Race and Ethnicity in Latin America by Judith A. Morrison (Summer 2015 AQ). The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect those of the institution with which she is affiliated. Molinas Vega, Jose R.; Barros, Ricardo Paes de; Saavedra Chanduvi, Jaime; Giugale, Marcelo; Cord, Louise … Read more

Protesting police violence in Brazil

Behind the Numbers: Race and Ethnicity in Latin America

Throughout Latin America, race and ethnicity continue to be among the most important determinants of access to opportunity and economic advancement. Indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples in Latin America represent 40 percent of the total population—a sizeable share—yet they remain a disproportionate segment of the poorest of the poor. While a priority for social inclusion measures, … Read more

Getting to Win Win

Getting to Win-Win: FTAs in the Americas

Over the past several decades, many of the hemisphere’s trade agreements have included impressively robust provisions on labor and the environment, but gaps in both implementation and enforcement have raised concerns about their effectiveness. Those concerns are especially timely as the region’s economic policymakers begin discussing efforts to facilitate greater international trade and investment, such … Read more


Ask the Experts: Trade is Back!

Antoni Estevadeordal answers: The June 2015 summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) and the European Union (EU) made clear that countries on both sides of the Atlantic are thinking of ways to revamp their increasingly stagnant political and economic ties. While Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) exports to the EU … Read more

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