Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

Can’t We Give Venezuela’s Opposition a Little Credit?

Venezuela’s opposition is perhaps one of Latin America’s most criticized political forces. Even within the opposition itself, critics abound. Every opposition voter I meet has a long list of complaints about the Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD, in Spanish), the grand coalition of parties that since 2008 has led the opposition to Chavismo and now President … Read more


Macri’s First Year

    After entering office to lofty expectations, Argentine President Mauricio Macri has faced both trials and triumphs. by Brendan O’Boyle       2015 December 10th President Mauricio Macri takes office promising to stabilize the country’s economy. Breaking tradition, departing President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner does not attend her successor’s inauguration.   December 15th … Read more


Claves del éxito para mujeres emprendedoras

Read in English Desde la importancia de conseguir un buen mentor hasta la ventaja de usar nuevas tecnologías, hay muchas cosas que las mujeres en Latinoamérica pueden hacer para lanzar sus propios negocios y llevarlos al éxito. Le pedimos consejos a algunas de las más destacadas emprendedoras de la región. Libera el poder de mentores … Read more


Keys to Success for Latin America’s Women Entrepreneurs

This article is adapted from AQ’s print issue on entrepreneurship. To see our AQ Top 5 list of young entrepreneurs in Latin America, click here. Leer en español From finding a source of good advice to making use of new technology, there are many things that women in Latin America can do to start and … Read more


No More Odebrechts: Three Steps to Reduce Graft in Latin America

The revelations of years of immense and systemic bribe payments to policymakers across Latin America by engineering and construction conglomerate Odebrecht are an unmitigated disaster for Brazil – and its foreign policy of the last decade and a half. The internationalization of Brazilian capitalism – that is, the government’s strategy of boosting Brazil’s influence by … Read more

Ni Una Menos

Fighting Gender Violence: What Brazil, Argentina and Others Are Doing

Isamara Filier, 41, was at a New Year’s party in Campinas, Brazil when her ex-husband opened fire on partygoers, killing her and eleven others. Filier and her ex-husband had been fighting for custody of their eight-year-old son, who was also among those killed. Hours later in El Alto, Bolivia, Jenny Mamani, 21, was beaten to … Read more

Caribbean Money

Why Caribbean Banks Are Bracing for Problems

(This article has been updated) In countries like Haiti, remittances matter. Many Haitians rely on money sent from family abroad to meet daily needs, especially in the wake of natural disasters such as Hurricane Matthew, which tore through the country in October. But in Haiti and throughout the Caribbean, sending and receiving remittances is getting … Read more

Social Inclusion 2016: Explanation of Methodology

The below describes the source of each of the 23 indicators included in the 2016 Social Inclusion Index. It also explains the few alterations to the scoring of indicators made by the LAPOP team, and details on the variables for which there are missing data. Table 1: Indicators by Data Source *Number = the count … Read more


The Politics of Diversity

  The Politics of Diversity by Leani García How well do the region’s legislatures reflect the people they represent? While women make up slightly more than half of the population in the Americas, they comprise only 28 percent of legislatures. The numbers are even bleaker when it comes to ethno-racial minorities. Of the countries where … Read more


Brazil’s ‘Car Wash’ Probe: Tell Me How This Ends

During their first year in the spotlight, the young federal prosecutors leading the “Operation Car Wash” corruption probe seemed to handle themselves with an eerie, almost cinematic grace. From the case’s obscure roots of money laundering at a gas station, to its eruption into an unprecedented scandal that helped bring down Dilma Rousseff’s presidency, the … Read more


This Week in Latin America: Colombia’s Peace Campaign

Sign up here to get This Week in Latin America delivered to your inbox every Monday. Colombia’s Peace Campaign: Colombian officials are preparing for the end of hostilities with the FARC despite indications that many in the country oppose a proposed peace deal. Government, FARC and U.N. representatives will today begin verifying 23 “concentration zones” in which the guerrillas will remain for … Read more


Ayude a los boomers a retirarse en América Latina

Leer en inglés Estimado(a) Sr(a) Presidente(a): Los baby boomers de Estados Unidos a menudo parecen representar las importaciones de mayor crecimiento en México. En la región del Lago de Chapala, en donde vivo, una cifra estimada de más de 10,000 estadounidenses –o el doble de ese número dependiendo de la época del año– llaman “su … Read more


Help Boomers Retire in Latin America

Leer en español Dear Mister / Madam President, U.S. baby boomers often seem like Mexico’s fastest-growing imports. In the Lake Chapala region where I live, an estimated 10,000-plus Americans — or double that number, depending on the time of year — call the area between the cities of Chapala and Jocotepec home. While most come … Read more


Join Our Struggle Against Corruption

In the new issue of Americas Quarterly, we asked people, “What would you tell the next U.S. president about Latin America?” To see other authors’ responses, click here. Dear Mister / Madam President, Latin America has been plagued by systemic corruption throughout its history and my country, Guatemala, is no exception. Yet in 2015, judicial … Read more


This Week in Latin America: Cash Scandal in Argentina

Sign up here to get This Week in Latin America delivered to your inbox every Monday. Cash Scandal in Argentina: Questioning will likely begin this week in an embezzlement investigation involving one of former President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner’s closest former aides. José López, who was public works secretary under both Fernández and her late husband, was caught last weekattempting to hide $8.9 … Read more

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