Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

The One Big Trend in Latin America’s Coming Elections

“Anybody who tells you they know who will win is misinformed,” a Mexican political analyst recently told me in a debate about next year’s presidential elections. In a scenario where only 2 percent of Mexicans trust political parties and only 4 percent believe the country is on the right track, she said, anything can happen. … Read more


Ideas for a Better Future

    What’s the biggest issue facing youth in your country? At a time of increased opportunities — but also challenges — for young people in Latin America, weasked activists, members of Congress, journalistsand everyday people that question. Here are their answers:       Clarissa Giron  Dominican Republic Delinquency due to a lack of education and work (opportunities). … Read more

Immigrants wait in a processing cell at the Adelanto Detention Facility

Immigrants Are Dying in U.S. Detention Centers. And It Could Get Worse.

Osmar Epifanio González Gadba, 32, hanged himself in March after three months in a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention center in California while awaiting deportation to Nicaragua. Jean Carlos Jiménez-Joseph, 27, from Panama, hanged himself in ICE custody two months later, after 19 days in solitary confinement. The morning of his death, a … Read more


Amid Growing Violence, Brazil Is Weakening Indigenous Rights

Brazil has some of the world’s strongest protections for indigenous rights – on paper. In reality, dozens of indigenous people are killed each year in conflicts over land and resources. Brazil is the most dangerous country in the world for environmental defenders. Even as this violence escalates, the current government is working to weaken these … Read more


Cándido Mezúa

Cándido Mezúa is an Embera from Panama and Secretary General of the Mesoamerican Alliance for Communities and Forests, representing forest communities and indigenous organizations from Mexico to Panama’s border with Colombia.

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