Petro, Lula and the Future of Latin American Integration
A second “pink tide” would create greater opportunities for dialogue. But structural obstacles abound.
What the Summit of the Americas Mess Really Tells Us
Latin American governments are keen to show Washington it’s a new era. But this is also a tale of democracies in decline, writes AQ’s editor-in-chief.
Argentina and Alberto Fernández: An Overview
This article is adapted from AQ’s special report on the Summit of the Americas. Click here for the full list of countries. Fernández has tried to navigate a difficult economy while confronting tensions within his Peronist coalition, including pointed criticism from Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. Rising poverty and chronically high inflation at around 50% contributed to a setback … Read more
Venezuela and Nicolás Maduro: An Overview
This article is adapted from AQ’s special report on the Summit of the Americas. Click here for the full list of countries. Maduro has consolidated power and repressed critics throughout his years in office, leading more than 6 million Venezuelans to flee the country’s dire humanitarian and security situation. Maduro’s party won key governorships in November 2021’s regional elections, which … Read more
At Biden’s Summit, Leaders Should Summon the Spirit of 1994
The first Summit of the Americas in Miami had the ambition needed to make hemispheric cooperation a reality.
A 2022 Overview of Latin America: Key Indicators
AQ’s snapshot of who is in government, where economies stand and how societies are faring in 10 countries.
Susan Segal: Social Inclusion Should Be a Priority at the Summit of the Americas
The hemisphere’s leaders have a rare chance to champion diversity and digital infrastructure.
Novo na AQ: Sonhos californianos: A Cúpula das Américas precisa de ambição
A cúpula marcada para junho não está gerando muito entusiasmo. Mas existem várias oportunidades de ouro para cooperação, ressaltadas nessa reportagem especial de AQ.
The Summit Is a Great Chance for Better Cooperation on Migration
At the Summit of the Americas, leaders should take three steps towards a joint hemispheric approach to the crisis.
Haitians Deserve a Rethink on International Aid
Instead of sticking with failed strategies, the international community should target micro-loans to small-scale farmers.
“Esto se puede hacer”: En Honduras, los agricultores se adaptan a un clima cambiante
En lugar de dirigirse al norte, algunos centroamericanos están rotando los cultivos y realizando otros cambios. Pero la financiación es escasa.
A 22-Year-Old Mexican Entrepreneur Wants to Fix Logistics
Nowports is targeting bottlenecks in Latin American trade, as demand for nearshoring increases.
En la cumbre de Biden, los líderes deberían invocar el espíritu de 1994
La primera Cumbre de las Américas, celebrada en Miami, tuvo el tipo de ambición que será necesario para realizar la cooperación hemisférica.
One Year Later: Destruction, But Also Bright Spots, in the Amazon
AQ takes stock of developments since our special report on sustainable development.
La Cumbre es una gran oportunidad para mejorar la cooperación en materia de migración
En la Cumbre de las Américas, los líderes deberían dar tres pasos hacia un enfoque hemisférico conjunto ante la crisis.