Below are the endnotes from “Student Debt in the Americas” by Carolina Ramirez (Summer 2014 AQ.)
- The World Bank, “Latin America: Middle Class hits Historic High,” 2012, <>.
- UNESCO Institute of Statistics, “Education: Gross enrolment ratio by level of education,” <>.
- OECD, “Mexico: Country Note,” Eudcation at a Glance 2013, 2013, <>.
- Marion Lloyd, “Mexico’s Universities Struggle to Respond to Demand for Degrees,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, July 5, 2010, <>.
- Carolyn Thompson, “$1 Trillion Student Loan Debt Widens US Wealth Gap,” AP, March 27, 2014, <>.
- Phil Izzo, “Congratulations to Class of 2014, Most Indebted Ever,” The Wall Street Jounral, May 16, 2014, <>.
- Jane C. Timm, “Students seek loan forgiveness in overwhelming numbers,” MSNBC, April 22, 2014, <>.
- “Educación superior chilena es la más cara del mundo según la Ocde,” Publimetro, June 27, 2010, <!fPuXTtnqufINc/>.
- Vergara, Eva. “Familias chilenas acosadas por deudas estudiantiles,” Terra, May 16, 2012, <,123325a85c657310VgnVCM3000009acceb0aRCRD.html>
- Anthony Esposito, “Chile’s Bachelet to send key education reform to Congress,” Reuters, May 19, 2014, <>.
- “Lanza gobierno federal programa de financiamiento a la educación superior: 3 mil millones de pesos,” Nacional Financiera: Banca de Desarrollo , 2013,<>.
- “Inicia ‘Programa de #Financiamiento a la Educación Superior’, para jóvenes de instituciones privadas” video clip, Youtube, <>.
- “Sólo 20% de créditos Icetex ha ido a instituciones públicas,” El Observatorio de la Universidad Colombiana, <>
- Sergo Silva Numa, “Las grietas del Icetex,” El Espectador, October 20, 2012, <>.