Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

Endnotes: Some Contradictions in Contemporary Cuban Economic Development

Below are the endnotes from “Some Contradictions in Contemporary Cuban Economic Development” by Ricardo Torres Pérez (Summer 2013 AQ.)

  1. Estudio preliminar del potencial de uso de las fuentes renovables de energía en Cuba, Eigth National Energy Conference, Havana, June 2010, available at http://www.cubaenergia.cu/index.php/en/national a-energy-seminar/cat_view/192-seminario-nacional-de-energia/193-viii-seminario-nacional-de-energia?start=10, under the name Potenciales ER.pdf.
  2. All statistics about Cuba are the author’s own calculations (except when indicated otherwise) based on information from the Anuario Estadístico de Cuba, published annually by the National Office of Statistics and Information (ONEI) and available on its website, http://www.one.cu.
  3. Robert J. Barro and  Jong-Wha Lee, “A New Data Set of Educational Attainment in the World, 1950–2010
  4. Estimate based on World Development Indicators (2012), available at http://databank.worldbank.org/data/views/variableSelection/selectvariables.aspx?source=world-development-indicators.
  5. Feinberg, R. (2012): “The New Cuban Economy. What Roles for Foreign Investment?”, Brookings Institution, Washington, DC.
  6. Pérez, O. E. (2012): “Foreign Direct Investment in China, Vietnam, and Cuba: Pertinent Experiences for Cuba,” in Domínguez, J. I.; Pérez, O. E.; Espina, M.; and Barbería, L. (eds), Cuban Economic and Social Development: Policy Reforms and Challenges in the 21st Century, Harvard University Press, Cambridge.
  7. The World Bank Group (2008): “The Growth Report: Strategies for Sustained Growth and Inclusive Development,” The World Bank Group, Washington, D.C.
  8. Fundora, A. and Vidal, P. (2007): “Relación comercio-crecimiento en Cuba.  Estimación a través del filtro de Kalman,” Revista de la CEPAL, 94: 101-120.
  9. See CEPALSTAT at http://websie.eclac.cl/sisgen/ConsultaIntegrada.asp.



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