Rethink the War on Drugs, President Santos Says
The U.S. and Latin America should work to strike criminal organizations where it hurts them most - their finances.
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Heal the Relationship With Mexico
It will take much more than “xenophobia, irresponsibility and total disregard for facts” to derail the neighbors’ relationship, the former Mexican ambassador to Washington writes.
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Include the Indigenous in Climate Change Talks
Indigenous communities are often the first to suffer the consequences of global warming, writes Tarcila Rivera Zea.
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Support "Silicon Valley Diplomacy" in Latin America
How "Silicon Valley diplomacy" could spur innovation throughout Latin America.
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Join Our Struggle Against Corruption
Efforts to promote transparency and accountability could help solidify recent gains in the fight against corruption.
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Treat Latin Americans as Equals
How a little humility (and retiring that "b-word") can help repair the U.S.-Latin America relationship.
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Lift the Cuban Embargo
Recent progress in U.S.-Cuba relations isn't reflected in our antiquated trade embargo.
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Make Latin American Trade Expansion a Priority
Increased trade and economic integration is a win-win.
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Collaborate with Mexico in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Both Mexico and the U.S. will suffer under an isolationist trade policy.
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Help Brazil Preserve the Amazon
The next U.S. president could help prevent further deforestation by building on past collaboration with Brazil.
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Help Boomers Retire in Latin America
A growing number of U.S. voters retiring abroad are unable to access the Medicare benefits they deserve.
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Save the Lives of Central American Migrants
U.S. policy should reflect the reality faced by migrants fleeing violence in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.
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Deploy U.S. Energy Resources for Regional Growth
Latin America stands to benefit from importing U.S. natural gas.
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Promote Americas-wide Collaboration on Cybersecurity
Increasing threats from cybercrime in Latin America present the U.S. with an opportunity to show regional leadership.
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Attack on America: How Justice Finally Came in Chile
The killing of Orlando Letelier sent shockwaves through Washington DC. But a full accounting of the former ambassador's death was decades in the making.
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Stop Enabling Latin America's Gun Addiction
The U.S. can change a historic pattern of irresponsible arms sales driving regional violence.
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This Man Is Brilliant. So Why Doesn’t Mexico’s Economy Grow Faster?
Despite talented officials like Agustín Carstens, challenges such as rule of law continue to hold Mexico back.
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Petrobras and Similar Oil Companies Are Struggling. Now What?
Latin American governments are warming to foreign investment in oil and gas, but the shift may not last.
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Why Small Hydro May Pose a Threat to Chile's Indigenous Communities
In the absence of prior consultation, Chile's indigenous communities are furious over the construction of small-scale dams.
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The Big Picture
An overview of key economic and social indicators throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.