“Terruqueo” and Peru’s Fear of the Left
A decades-old stigma against anything appearing leftist may be a factor in April’s presidential election.

Meet the Candidates: Peru
A runoff on June 6 pitted one of Peru’s most recognized politicians against one of its least.

Can Francisco Sagasti Hold Peru Together?
The 76-year-old centrist technocrat will have to deal with a combative Congress and reeling electorate.

What Just Happened in Peru? Understanding Vizcarra’s Sudden Impeachment
Expect more populism ahead in one of the world’s hardest-hit countries by COVID-19.

The “Laboratory” Closing Latin America’s Tech Gender Divide
Organizations like Laboratoria are helping working-class women join the insular world of computer programming.

El “laboratorio” cerrando la brecha de género en el ámbito tech de América Latina
Organizaciones como Laboratoria están ayudando a que mujeres de clase trabajadora puedan integrarse al mundo insular de la programación.

Vizcarra May Survive. But Peru’s Politics Look Fragile.
COVID-19 and economic crisis haven’t stopped a dubious push for impeachment.

This Soccer Star Could Be Peru’s Next President
George Forsyth, a popular mayor and anti-crime crusader, is leading early presidential polls.

How Latin Americans Are Using Pensions as a COVID-19 Lifeline
In Chile, Peru and elsewhere, governments are loosening regulations on pension withdrawals. What are the risks?

Peru Squandered Its Early COVID Advantages. Here’s How It Can Recover.
Less red tape and more public-private cooperation would help Peru beat back the virus.

In Peru, Congress’ Move Against Immunity Isn’t What It Seems
A vote to strip privilege from lawmakers could actually further shield them from corruption charges.

Para los migrantes venezolanos, la COVID-19 está estimulando una crisis de salud mental
Nuevos datos sobre venezolanos en Perú subrayan el costo de la pandemia en la salud mental.

For Venezuelan Migrants, COVID-19 Is Fueling a Mental Health Crisis
New data on Venezuelans in Peru underscores the pandemic’s toll on mental health.

WEBCAST: Anti-Corruption in Peru: A View from the CCC Index
AS/COA’s Anti-Corruption Working Group and Control Risks host a discussion on the state of anti-corruption in Peru.

Pandemic Heroes: Venezuela’s Alejandra Parra
A doctor and migrant, Parra is among the many Venezuelans helping on the frontlines in their adopted countries.