Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas
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From George Washington to Evo Morales: Re-electionism in the Americas

George Washington, the first president of the United States, ran for re-election just once, in spite of being tremendously popular and receiving countless pleas from his supporters to remain in power. He thus started a healthy U.S. tradition that lasted a century—until Franklin Delano Roosevelt chose to break it by running for re-election twice. After … Read more


Latin American Leaders Arrive for Pacific Alliance Summit

The presidents of Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru—which together represent 36 percent of Latin America’s GDP—begin arriving in Cali, Colombia, today for the seventh Pacific Alliance Summit. Spanish President Mariano Rajoy, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Guatemalan President Otto Pérez Molina, Costa Rican President Laura Chinchilla, Panamanian President Ricardo Martinelli, and representatives from Australia, Japan, … Read more


Brazilian Court Authorizes Same-Sex Marriage Licenses

The National Council of Justice of Brazil, headed by Supreme Court Chief Justice Joaquim Barbosa, ruled yesterday that government licensing offices cannot deny homosexual couples marriage licenses. The ruling is expected to accelerate a law legalizing same-sex marriage in the Brazilian Congress. Basing their decision on the Supreme Court’s 2011 ruling that recognizes same-sex civil … Read more


La habilidad diplomática de Maduro

Con seis años consecutivos al frente de la Cancillería venezolana, si algo podía esperarse del estreno de Nicolás Maduro como presidente era fluidez en la política exterior. Sin embargo, en sus tres primeras semanas al mando del país, el heredero del fallecido líder, Hugo Chávez, ya acumuló cuatro desencuentros internacionales manejados con reacciones poco diplomáticas.  … Read more


La cruzada de la oposición venezolana en su gira por el Mercosur

Al tiempo que el presidente Nicolás Maduro se reunía con sus pares en Uruguay, Argentina y Brasil, la oposición venezolana preparó una gira paralela, en cuya parada en Buenos Aires sus miembros fueron recibidos por legisladores opositores al gobierno de Cristina Kirchner.   “No hay manera de ocultarle al mundo que somos mayoría, durante años … Read more


Maduro Ends His Mercosur Tour in Brasilia

Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro marked the end of his three-day trip through Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil yesterday with a meeting in Brasilia with President Dilma Rousseff to highlight Venezuela’s strategic alliance with Brazil. Maduro traveled to Mercosur member countries for his first trip post-presidential election in an effort to consolidate bilateral ties. In Uruguay, his … Read more


Maduro Begins South American Tour amid Venezuela Election Audit

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro embarked today on a three-day tour of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay, all members of Mercosur (The Common Market of the South). Following Paraguay’s suspension from the free-trade group, Venezuela joined Mercosur last year and will assume the bloc’s temporary presidency for the first time on June 28 during a summit in … Read more


Gringo ¡Quédate aquí!

POR ANDY BAKER Y DAVID CUPERY La creencia de que Latinoamérica es profunda y reflexivamente antiestadounidense ha influido en el análisis y la cobertura de la región, convirtiéndose en la base habitual del discurso de los políticos populistas. Lo cierto es que se equivocan. Las actitudes positivas de los latinoamericanos hacia los EE.UU. tienen implicaciones … Read more


Regionalism: The Pacific Alliance

Latin America is no stranger to new political and economic blocs. In the past decade, the region has experienced a deluge of presidential summits and ministerial meetings that have led to the establishment of a number of new groupings. Among these, the Alianza del Pacífico (Pacific Alliance), which is celebrating its two-year anniversary, has the … Read more


Ask the Experts: Going Global

Cynthia J. Arnson answers: Political and economic integration schemes have long been a staple of Latin American foreign policy. But changes in the regional and global economy since the early 2000s have created new incentives for the reform of global governance mechanisms to reflect the new constellations of political and economic power. South American countries … Read more


The Next Big Thing? The Trans-Pacific Partnership & Latin America

The hottest topic in world trade these days is the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Hailed as a state-of-the-art free trade agreement (FTA), it will unite 11 countries—Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the United States, and Vietnam—with a combined GDP of almost $21 trillion (about 30 percent of world GDP) and $4.4 … Read more


Gringo Stay Here!

Lea una versión en español aquí. “Why do they hate us?” This question1, on so many U.S. citizens’ minds over the decade following the September 11, 2001, attacks, is often asked about Islamic extremists and even the broader Muslim world. Among the most common responses is that “they” resent U.S. foreign policy in the Middle … Read more


Crime Control Along the Brazilian Border

In an incident that may have escaped notice internationally, three taxi drivers were shot to death recently in Santana do Livramento, a small Brazilian town on the border with Rivera, Uruguay. The incident deeply frightened many in the region and drew heightened attention when, just 48 hours later, three more drivers were shot in Porto … Read more


Elecciones en Venezuela: ¿Capriles para la próxima?

Los resultados electorales del pasado domingo en Venezuela no solo desafiaron todas las encuestas que apuntaban a una holgada victoria del oficialista Nicolás Maduro—heredero del fallecido Hugo Chávez—sobre el opositor Henrique Capriles, sino también atizaron la polarización en  la nación con mayores reservas mundiales de crudo. Entre demandas de reconteo de votos, marchas fallidas, cacerolazos … Read more


Chilean Congress Begins Debate on Legally Recognizing Same-Sex Couples

Chile’s congress took a first step toward legislating rights for same-sex couples on April 10.  If passed, President Sebastián Piñera’s Acuerdo de Vida Común (Life Partner Agreement—AVP) would allow same-sex couples to register their partnerships with notaries, granting them many of the same legal rights as married couples, such as shared health benefits, pensions and inheritances. The legislation stops short of permitting gay marriage, explicitly reserving that for … Read more

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