Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

El Salvador Enacts Media Reforms

Reading Time: < 1 minute

El Salvadoran President Mauricio Funes yesterday announced a major series of media reforms that will transform state-owned radio and television by granting them unprecedented legal autonomy to broadcast independent content. The reforms, which were developed in collaboration with the World Bank, is designed to put an end to the historic role of state media as a campaign tool of incumbent governments and a mouthpiece for ruling administrations.

Salvadoran Minister of Communications of the Presidency, David Rivas, explained that “for many years state radio and television were subject to political whims or subjected to the interests of particular groups, but not the interests of society as a whole.” Critics of state media in El Salvador say the state-owned Radio Nacional and Canal 10 were often used during the country’s brutal 1980s civil war to disseminate disinformation and distract Salvadorans from accurate war coverage.

World Bank representative Alberto Leyton lauded the announced reforms and emphasized that state media should further the “public good” by refraining from simply broadcasting the “situational interests” of a particular government.

Tags: El Salvador, Mauricio Funes, media reform
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