Por qué América Latina aún merece un papel en Ucrania
Hasta ahora, los esfuerzos diplomáticos de la región han sido ignorados o calificados de pro-Moscú. Eso es un error, escribe un destacado profesor.

Why Latin America Still Deserves a Role on Ukraine
The region’s diplomatic efforts have so far been ignored or described as pro-Moscow. That’s a mistake, a leading professor writes.

Will Russian Influence in Latin America Grow in 2022?
Russia’s aggressive diplomacy has paid off, and a new “Pink Tide” may make the region even more receptive.

Latin America Risks Overreacting to Commodities Shock
The region faces particular risk in its economic policy responses to the fallout from the war in Ukraine.

The Ukrainian Crisis and Latin America
Dynamics within the Ukraine are forcing reconsideration of an old concept in international politics–the sphere of influence. Russian President Vladimir Putin has not hesitated in saying that Russia has interests in the Ukraine, reserving the right to use force. Some Latin American governments have spoken out against the dismissal of former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych … Read more