EU’s Elections May Have Unexpected Reverberations in Latin America
The advance of the far right could impact FDI decisions and set the tone for the future of trade with the region.

A Balancing Act for Brazil’s Foreign Policy
What seems like a contradictory agenda for 2024 reflects the country’s deeper priorities, writes a Brazilian expert.

Europe’s Window of Opportunity on Venezuela Is Closing
If they act quickly, the EU and the US can achieve a greater alignment of diplomatic and economic pressure.

A Problem for German Trade Ambitions: Brazil’s Environment Minister
Competing visions in Berlin reveal a broader dilemma about how to engage with Jair Bolsonaro’s government.

Two to Rumba: The European Union Decides to Negotiate With Cuba
On February 10, the European Union’s Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) approved a mandate to start negotiating an overall agreement with Cuba. This decision had been under preparation since 2008, when the EU renewed its political dialogue with Havana. Between 2003 and 2008, relations had been at a low point following a series of strong measures … Read more