No te olvides de Silvia
Una historia personal de un talento extraordinario – y de por qué no es suficiente para tener éxito.

El rol de los bancos en derribar barreras para las mujeres
Mejorar el acceso a crédito para mujeres emprendedoras puede ayudar a que América Latina se recupere de la pandemia.

How Banks Can Break Down Barriers for Women
Improving access to credit for women entrepreneurs can help Latin America recover from the pandemic.

Don’t Forget About Silvia
A personal story about genius-level talent – and why it isn’t enough to succeed.

Não podemos esquecer de Sílvia
Um relato pessoal sobre um talento genial — e porque isso não foi suficiente para alcançar o sucesso.

O papel dos bancos na eliminação das barreiras enfrentadas pelas mulheres
Melhorar o acesso de empreendedoras ao crédito pode ajudar a América Latina a se recuperar dos efeitos da pandemia.

The Double Standard Facing Latin America’s Women Entrepreneurs
Vilma Tellez Ballesteros has been a coffee producer for most of her life, running a successful business from her home in northern Nicaragua for more than two decades. But when she goes to the bank to negotiate loans, she brings her husband with her. “They listen to him,” her daughter, Carmen Davila Tellez, told AQ. … Read more
High Inequality
Latin America suffers from both the world’s highest rate of income inequality and from a lackluster economic performance that puts it well behind the growth levels of other emerging regions such as Asia. Could there be a connection? Recent research suggests that high inequality and low social mobility are more than just poor people’s problems: … Read more