Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

From the Think Tanks

The growth of emerging economies like China and India offers real opportunities for some of the hemisphere’s exporters. A May 2009 book published by the Center for the Implementation of Public Policies Promoting Equity and Growth (CIPPEC) focuses on what Argentina must do if it wants to reach the new global middle class. Market Hunters: … Read more


The OAS should not have lifted the 1962 suspension of Cuba’s membership.

This June, the Organization of American States (OAS) revoked a 1962 resolution that expelled the Cuban government on the grounds of its political and military links to the former Soviet Union. Many supporters of revocation argued the decision was overdue: after all the Soviet Union no longer exists, and the OAS had long since outgrown … Read more


Soccer and the Political Crisis in Honduras

Hondurans had high hopes for two things last week: qualifying for the World Cup and settling the political crisis.  Unfortunately for the catrachos (Hondurans), they came up short in both.  And the country’s two failures mirrored one another. High hopes dominated Honduras in the run-up to Saturday’s World Cup qualifying match against the United States.  … Read more


Democracies and Double Standards

Exactly 30 years ago (1979) the late Jeanne Kirkpatrick wrote a famous, though controversial, article in Commentary that for a group of conservative foreign-policy analysts guided policy toward Latin America during the administration of President Ronald Reagan.  The basic thesis of the argument was that as autocratic regimes differed, so should U.S. policy toward them.  … Read more


More at Stake at U.S.-Honduras World Cup Qualifier Than Just a Soccer Win

This Saturday the eyes of much of the hemisphere will be on Honduras as the United States sends its finest warriors into the country to do battle with their Honduran counterparts.  No, we’re not talking an invasion by the Marines, but rather a critically-important soccer match between the two nations in qualification for the 2010 … Read more


The Honduras Crisis, Three Months Out: Is Micheletti’s Support Unraveling?

It appears that Roberto Micheletti, the de facto president of Honduras, overplayed his hand on Sunday when he announced a decree that closed down two media outlets (Radio Globo and Canal 36), dissolved the right of assembly and permitted police to detain suspects without warrents. Just for good measure he also gave the Brazilian embassy … Read more


From Tegucigalpa. Independence Day Revealed Deep Divisions in Honduras

Last week, tens of thousands of Hondurans took to the streets of their capital, Tegucigalpa, to commemorate Independence Day.  One group, dressed in the white and blue of the Honduran flag, followed the Civic-Military March to the National Stadium, where soldiers marched, paratroopers landed dramatically, and the crowd cheered for de facto President Roberto Micheletti.  … Read more


From Tegucigalpa. Tense Stand-Off in the Run-up to Honduran Elections

Three months before Honduras’ scheduled elections, tensions remain high in Tegucigalpa.  Walls and campaign propaganda are covered with pro-Zelaya graffiti; explosives have destroyed several fast food establishments and targeted certain media outlets; and a bomb scare took place near the airport this week.  The military remains positioned at strategic locations in the city, closing streets … Read more


For Nicaragua, a Russian Relations Revival

Thirty some-odd years after Moscow and Managua traded diplomatic missions, the one-time Cold War allies appear to be growing closer than ever. Russia’s deputy prime minister, Igor Sechin, met with Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega at the end of last month—reportedly the third official Russian trip to Nicaragua in a year—signing several deals meant to make … Read more


Honduras: Sides Harden, Logic Breaks Down, and Tragic Silliness Begins

Although President Manuel “Mel” Zelaya prefers to wear a white hat, there are no men in white hats in the escalating situation in Honduras. Unfortunately, now with the military’s statement supporting Costa Rican President Óscar Arias’ seven-point plan to resolve the impasse between the ousted President and the de facto government that replaced him, the … Read more


Alex Leff

Alex Leff is a correspondent for Reuters and GlobalPost based in San José, Costa Rica. He is also a contributing blogger to AQ Online.


Endnotes: [i]The Obstacles to Justice for the Indigenous[/i]

1. According to the Catálogo de Lenguas Indígenas de México, published in 2008 by the National Institute of Indigenous Languages, there are 364 linguistic variations of 68 indigenous languages. 2. Damman, Siri, La pobreza indígena en America Latina y el primer objetivo de desarrollo del Milenio en Pobreza, exclusión social y discriminación étnico-racial en America … Read more


Arias Mediation Efforts – Not U.S. Sanctions – Offer Best Hope for Honduras

Secretary of State Clinton’s meeting today with deposed Honduran President Manuel Zelaya was intended to show the support—visibly—of the United States for a return to the status quo ante, but it also served a more important purpose: by getting Zelaya on board with the idea of allowing Costa Rica’s President and Nobel Laureate Oscar Arias … Read more


Partner Organizations

  Asuntos del Sur Asuntos del Sur (ADS) is dedicated to promoting debate on current issues in Latin America through online publications and virtual dialogues with academics, social activists and even students.       Center for the Implementation of Public Policies Promoting Equity and Growth The Center for the Implementation of Public Policies Promoting … Read more

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