Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

Panama, Colombia To Sign Trade Agreement

Panama and Colombia are expected to sign a bilateral free trade agreement in Panama City today, finalizing a commitment that was reached by the two countries last June. Panamanian Minister of Commerce and Industry Ricardo Quijano and Colombian Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism Sergio Díaz-Granados will participate in the official treaty-signing ceremony. During a … Read more


Monday Memo: Rios Montt – Venezuela’s Military – Panama’s Electricity – World Cup – China’s Vice President

Top stories this week are likely to include: Rios Montt convicted of genocide; Venezuelan military to fight insecurity; Panama announces continued electricity rationing; FIFA expresses concerns over Brazil’s World Cup stadium; and China’s vice president travels to Venezuela. Rios Montt found guilty: On Friday, a three-judge tribunal sentenced the 86-year-old former dictator of Guatemala, Efrain … Read more


Drought Forces Electricity Rationing in Panama

A four-month drought has crippled Panama’s electricity supply, prompting the government to close schools and impose strict limits on electricity use on Wednesday—a day after declaring a state of emergency in four of the country’s nine provinces. In addition to closing schools, new restrictions curtail operating hours for late-night businesses such as supermarkets, bars and restaurants, … Read more


Panama-U.S. Trade Deal Goes Into Effect

A trade deal between the U.S. and Panama that was negotiated five years ago went into force on Wednesday. The agreement, which will allow increased U.S. exports into the country, was signed by former president George W. Bush in June 2007 and ratified by Panama’s parliament the same year. However, the U.S. Congress held up … Read more


Panama’s Martinelli Pledges Not to Seek Reelection

Panamanian President Ricardo Martinelli signed a pledge on Tuesday stating that he will not seek reelection in the country’s 2014 presidential elections.  According to media observers in Panama, Martinelli made the pledge in response to controversial rumors of his desire to run again in a country with strict constitutional prohibitions against consecutive presidential terms.  Until … Read more


Panamá Vista por Una Boliviana

¡Bang! ¡bang!. Viene un tipo, viene otro, luego serán más. Drogas, dólares y mucha sangre. Aquí todos matan a todos. ¡Bang! ¡bang! Una típica película hollywoodense del hampa chicana. Aunque esta vez el escenario es Panamá, la película es panameña y su autor es Panamalo. Panamalo no cuenta su película. La actúa. Tiene ese idéntico … Read more


Colombia, Panama and South Korea FTAs Move Through Congress

  Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos drew laughter and applause when he placed the U.S.-Colombia free-trade agreement (FTA) in the “hands of God” at an AS/COA program last month. But now that the White House has submitted the long-pending pact to Congress, its earthly fate lies just where it belongs. House Speaker John Boehner has … Read more


Hopes for Approval of U.S. FTAs with Colombia and Panama

The White House announced yesterday that a major hurdle had been cleared for bringing the free-trade agreements (FTAs) signed with Colombia, Panama and South Korea more than five years ago to Congress for a vote. This happened after the administration reached an agreement with House Republicans about Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA)—the program that helps American … Read more


Logistics: Shipping on the Panama Canal

The Panama Canal Expansion Program (PCEP), launched in September 2007 and scheduled for completion in 2014, is expected by its proponents to have the greatest impact on global shipping of any project underway today. Once completed, the $5.5 billion project will roughly triple the size of vessels that can pass through the Canal, from the … Read more


United States, Panama Clear Major Hurdle on Free Trade

The Office of the United States Trade Representative announced yesterday afternoon that the Obama administration has resolved outstanding issues with Panama and will submit the U.S.-Panama Trade Promotion Agreement to the U.S. Congress shortly. In a letter sent to chairmen and ranking members of pertinent House and Senate committees, U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk announced … Read more


The Economics of the Colombia and Panama FTAs Are Reason Enough to Approve Them

In contrast to the looming political fights over spending, healthcare repeal, and immigration, free trade could be a rare case where President Barack Obama will benefit from Republican control of the House of Representatives. After all, the pending Colombia and Panama free-trade agreements (FTAs) were originally negotiated by George W. Bush’s administration and then held … Read more


U.S. Senator Harry Reid on the DREAM Act and the Colombia and Panama FTAs.

Americas Quarterly: In your re-election campaign, you spoke about the need to pass the dream Act and its pathway to authorized status for the children of undocumented immigrants to attend college or to serve in the military. Why? Senator Reid: We cannot continue to kick the immigration problem down the road. We tried twice last … Read more


10 Things to Do: Panama City

Panama, the crossroads of the hemisphere, has become one of the hottest business and leisure travel destinations in the Americas. With canal expansion underway, the tiny isthmus nation is poised to reap the rewards of being the bridge between the continents. 1.  Explore the Canal. The Panama Canal is the lifeblood of the city. A … Read more


Panamanian Indigenous Community Seeks Protection of its Land

The Naso indigenous community of Panama is lucky to be able to call Bocas del Toro home. This is an idyllic tropical paradise that begins in mountainous forests near the border with Costa Rica and ends up in the Caribbean Sea. It’s a fertile land where they grow plantain, corn, coffee, pineapple, and grapefruit, and … Read more

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