Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas
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Reforma fiscal e equidade social by Fernando Rezende

For over a decade, Brazil has been a model of fiscal responsibility. Brazil’s success makes it easy to forget that it once suffered from one of the worst fiscal performances in Latin America, complicated by hyperinflation, short-lived currencies, and massive debt-to-GDP ratios. Today’s economic stability also makes it easy to assume that Brazil’s fiscal house … Read more


Nicaragua’s Interoceanic Canal: Is it Progress?

It’s now been nearly a month since the HKND Group (HK Nicaragua Canal Development Investment Co.)  and the Nicaraguan government signed an agreement to build an inter-oceanic canal that would cut through the Nicaraguan heartland. The megaproject, with a tentative price tag of $40 billion, is set to include an oil pipeline, two deep-water ports, … Read more

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Latin Americans’ Perceptions of the United States and China

U.S. and Chinese leaders recently have each dedicated considerable time to visiting with their Latin American counterparts. In May, President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden separately visited five countries: Costa Rica, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, and Trinidad & Tobago. In June, Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Costa Rica, Mexico and Trinidad & Tobago as … Read more


Nicaragua’s Chinese Canal Plans: Fulfillment of a Dream, or Prelude to a Nightmare?

Amid loud protest that President Daniel Ortega is “privatizing Nicaragua’s dream,” handing over the country to a Chinese businessman and indulging in the same type of “savage capitalism” that he has railed against during his entire political career, Nicaragua’s Sandinista government this week used its supermajority muscle in the legislative National Assembly to give a … Read more

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OAS General Assembly: More than Just the Drug Policy Agenda

When the 43rd General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) released its final resolution on June 7, those waiting for a brave new direction on the war of drugs were likely disappointed. For all the rhetoric of breaking taboos, decriminalization—at least of marijuana—proved to be a step too far for some participants. The writing … Read more


Monday Memo: Venezuelan Audit – Humala Visits U.S. – Guantánamo – Protests in Brazil – Nicaragua Canal

Top stories this week are likely to include: Venezuela’s CNE confirms April’s presidential election results; President Humala arrives in the United States; U.S. senators visit Guantánamo prison; Brazil’s FUNAI director resigns amid Indigenous protests; Nicaraguan Congress expected to vote on building a canal. Venezuelan Audit Backs April Election Results: Venezuela’s Consejo Nacional Electoral (National Electoral … Read more


Chilean President Makes First Official U.S. Visit

Today, Chilean President Sebastián Piñera begins a week-long trip through through the hemisphere, making his first official visit to the United States since he took office in 2010. He will also travel to Canada, El Salvador and Panama. Piñera’s visit comes as the Obama administration has displayed a more visible interest in boosting ties with … Read more

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From George Washington to Evo Morales: Re-electionism in the Americas

George Washington, the first president of the United States, ran for re-election just once, in spite of being tremendously popular and receiving countless pleas from his supporters to remain in power. He thus started a healthy U.S. tradition that lasted a century—until Franklin Delano Roosevelt chose to break it by running for re-election twice. After … Read more


Latin American Leaders Arrive for Pacific Alliance Summit

The presidents of Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru—which together represent 36 percent of Latin America’s GDP—begin arriving in Cali, Colombia, today for the seventh Pacific Alliance Summit. Spanish President Mariano Rajoy, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Guatemalan President Otto Pérez Molina, Costa Rican President Laura Chinchilla, Panamanian President Ricardo Martinelli, and representatives from Australia, Japan, … Read more


Apuestas Estratégicas para el 2014 en El Salvador

En el año 2000 la mayoría de los salvadoreños teníamos una idea, al menos vaga, sobre cual debería de ser la apuesta estratégica del país. El entonces presidente Francisco Flores y su gabinete nos hablaban sobre la viabilidad de convertir a El Salvador en un centro financiero y en un centro logístico de calidad mundial. … Read more


Obama Discusses Trade and Economic Cooperation with Enrique Peña Nieto

U.S. President Barack Obama met with his Mexican counterpart, President Enrique Peña Nieto, in Mexico’s Palacio Nacional on Thursday to discuss trade and economic partnership between the two countries. This was Obama’s fourth trip to Mexico but his first under Peña Nieto’s tenure. Both heads of state agreed to form a high-level working group to … Read more


Gringo ¡Quédate aquí!

POR ANDY BAKER Y DAVID CUPERY La creencia de que Latinoamérica es profunda y reflexivamente antiestadounidense ha influido en el análisis y la cobertura de la región, convirtiéndose en la base habitual del discurso de los políticos populistas. Lo cierto es que se equivocan. Las actitudes positivas de los latinoamericanos hacia los EE.UU. tienen implicaciones … Read more


Assessing the Bush Administration in Hemispheric Affairs

Shortly before the end of the Bush administration in January 2009, I met with a senior official covering hemispheric affairs who said point blank, “You’re going to miss us when we’re gone.  We actually accomplished a lot more than anyone gives us credit for.”  The opening of the George W. Bush Library in Dallas today … Read more

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