Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

Endnotes: Is Bitcoin Latin America’s Next Big Thing?

Below are the endnotes from “Is Bitcoin Latin America’s Next Big Thing?” by Fred Ehrsam (Spring 2015 AQ.)

  1.  “Internet Users,” Internet live stats, <www.internetlivestats.com/internet-users/#trend> (accessed April 7, 2015).
  2.  “State of Bitcoin 2015: Ecosystem Grows Despite Price Decline,” Coindesk, January 7, 2015, <www.coindesk.com/state-bitcoin-2015-ecosystem-grows-despite-price-decline/> (accessed April 9, 2015).
  3. Benedict Evans, “Presentation: mobile is eating the world,” (presented at the WSJD conference, California, October 28, 2014), <ben-evans.com/benedictevans/2014/10/28/presentation-mobile-is-eating-the-world> (accessed April 9, 2015).
  4. Timothy B. Lee, “Five Years of Bitcoin in One Post,” The Washington Post, January 3, 2014, <www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-switch/wp/2014/01/03/five-years-of-bitcoin-in-one-post> (accessed April 7, 2015).
  5. “Mobile phone user penetration in Latin America from 2012 to 2018,” Statista, <www.statista.com/statistics/183586/mobile-phone-user-penetration-in-latin-america-since-2009> (accessed April 7, 2015).
  6. Asli Demirgüç-Kunt and Leora Klapper, “Latin America: Most still keep their money under the mattress,” The World Bank, May 18, 2012, <blogs.worldbank.org/latinamerica/latin-america-most-still-keep-their-money-under-the-mattress> (accessed April 7, 2015).
  7. Coinbase data provided by author.
  8. “Total Bitcoins in Circulation,” Blockchain info, <blockchain.info/charts/total-bitcoins> (accessed April 7, 2015).
  9. Euny Hong, “Could One Bitcoin Come To Be Worth $1 Million? Q&A,” Investopedia, <www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/051414/could-one-bitcoin-come-be-worth-1-billion-qa.asp> (accessed April 7, 2015).
  10. “New survey sheds light on financial behavior of Latin American and Caribbean migrants in the United States,” April 3, 2014, Inter-American Development Bank, <www.iadb.org/en/news/news-releases/2014-04-03/remittances-in-latin-america-and-the-caribbean,10796.html> (accessed April 7, 2015).
  11. Brian Elllsworth, “Venezuela’s soaring inflation ups pressure for economic reforms,” Reuters, June 13, 2014, <www.reuters.com/article/2014/06/13/us-venezuela-economy-idUSKBN0EO2AS20140613> (accessed April 7, 2015).
  12. “Currency Control: Venezuelans Allowed Fewer U.S. Dollars for Florida Trips,” Fox News Latino, January 24, 2014, <latino.foxnews.com/latino/money/2014/01/24/currency-control-venezuelans-allowed-fewer-us-dollars-for-florida-trips> (accessed April 7, 2015).
  13. Peter Wilson, “Venezuelans blocked from buying flights out,” USA Today, January 10, 2014, <www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2014/01/10/venezuela-airline-cancellations-europa/4405109> (accessed April 7, 2015).
  14. Yoshifumi Takemoto and Sophie Knight, “Mt. Gox files for bankruptcy, hit with lawsuit,” Reuters, February 28, 2014, <www.reuters.com/article/2014/02/28/us-bitcoin-mtgox-bankruptcy-idUSBREA1R0FX20140228> (accessed April 7, 2015).
  15. “Operator of Silk Road 2.0 Website Charged in Manhattan Federal Court,” U.S. Attorney’s Office, November 6, 2014, <www.fbi.gov/newyork/press-releases/2014/operator-of-silk-road-2.0-website-charged-in-manhattan-federal-court> (accessed April 7, 2015).



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