Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

Endnotes: Contested Lands, Contested Laws

Below are the endnotes from “Contested Lands, Contested Laws” by Carlos Andrés Baquero Díaz (Spring 2014 AQ).

  1. Article 6, ILO Convention 169.
  2. Decree 1320, Ministerio del Interior, July 13, 1998 <http://www.minambiente.gov.co/documentos/dec_1320_130798.pdf> (accessed April 22, 2014).
  3. CEACR. OIT. Colombia. Observaciones individuales Convenio 169, Centro de Políticas Públicas, March 3, 2010 <http://www.politicaspublicas.net/panel/oitinformes/informes169/637-ceacr-colombia-c169.html> (accessed April 22, 2014).
  4. Decree 2613, Red por la Justicia Ambiental en Colombia, 2013 <http://justiciaambientalcolombia.org/2013/12/04/decreto-2613-de-2013-protocolo-de-coordinacion-interinstitucional-para-la-consulta-previa/> (accessed April 22, 2014).
  5. General Forestry Law 1021, El Congreso de Colombia, April 20, 2006 <http://www.alcaldiabogota.gov.co/sisjur/normas/Norma1.jsp?i=20126> (accessed April 22, 2014).
  6. Court sentence T-129/11 <http://www.corteconstitucional.gov.co/relatoria/2011/t-129-11.htm> (accessed April 22, 2014).
  7. Law 29785 <http://www.presidencia.gob.pe/documentos/LEY%20DEL%20DERECHO%20A%20LA%20CONSULTA%20PREVIA%20A%20LOS%20PUEBLOS%20IND%C3%8DGENAS%20U%20ORIGINARIOS,%20RECONOCIDO%20EN%20EL%20CONVENIO%20169%20DE%20LA%20ORGANIZACI%C3%93N%20INTERNACIONAL%20DEL%20TRABAJO%20(OIT)%20.pdf> (accessed April 22, 2014).
  8. Supreme Decree 001, 2012 <http://servindi.org/pdf/Ley_de_consulta.pdf> (accessed April 22, 2014).
  9. Methodological Guide to ILO 169 <http://consultaprevia.cultura.gob.pe/guia-ley-consulta-previa-1-5.pdf> (accessed April 22, 2014).
  10. Executive Decree 1247 <http://issuu.com/fundacionpachamama/docs/decreto_1247_19-jul-2012> (accessed April 22, 2014).
  11. Carlos Andrés Baquero, “La Amazonía: entre el petróleo y los parques naturales,” Dejusticia, September 11, 2013 <http://dejusticia.org/index.php?modo=interna&tema=antidiscriminacion&publicacion=1586> (accessed April 22, 2014).
  12. Supreme Decree 124, September 4, 2009 <http://www.leychile.cl/Navegar?idNorma=1006486> (accessed April 22, 2014).
  13. Supreme Decree 66, November 22, 2013 <http://www.politicaspublicas.net/panel/consulta/reglamentacion/1681-decreto-66.html> (accessed April 22, 2014).
  14. “Informe de Derechos Humanos presentado como anexo a la reclamación interpuesta por el Sindicato No. 1 de Panificadores Mapuche de Santiago de Chile,” Dejusticia, January 14, 2014, <http://www.dejusticia.org/index.php?modo=interna&tema=antidiscriminacion&litigio=104> (accessed April 22, 2014).
  15. For an example of the implementation of the right to FPIC without national regulation, see Rodríguez and Orduz, 2012.
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